Now in PrivacyPerfect: information security and data privacy protection framework with built-in PDCA cycle for education!

IBP is the Information Security and Privacy Framework. It consists of a set of standards established in partnership with Dutch education authorities. The primary goal of IBP is to guarantee the protection of personal data and the improvement of information security within educational institutions. This is particularly crucial, as these institutions bear the responsibility of safeguarding sensitive data about students, parents, and staff.
PrivacyPerfect's IBP: From Dutch mandate to global game-changer - Empowering the educational sector worldwide.
Our tool is constructed based on the IBP framework. However, it is extremely adaptable and can be used worldwide. This means you can benefit from it, even in countries that lack their own framework for information security and privacy.



Why should you want PrivacyPerfect's IBP tool as your tool of choice for

information security management in education?

Offers all under one roof -  Manage your business continuity centrally from one place (privacy management, vendor risk management and information security management)

Provides up-to-date and pre-filled education templates

Automates your tasks & helps you with the full PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

Helps you follow and comply with essential legal frameworks

Helps identify and mitigate the high risks of data privacy and security

Confidently manages your data & helps you stay organised

Provides all-around support - help is just a call away!

Offers global applicability

Saves you time and resources

Easy to use tool for anyone in your organisation

User management customisable to your institution

FAQ about IBP tool

The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science, in collaboration with Kennisnet, SIVON (a cooperative of school boards in the Netherlands), the Primary Education Council, and the Secondary Education Council, have united under the banner of the Digital Safe Education program (Digitaal Veilig Onderwijs). Their collective mission is to create an education sector where every student can learn and every employee can work digitally in a safe environment. And that is why the Information Security and Privacy Framework (IBP) was conceived. This framework empowers school boards to enhance information security and strengthen the protection of personal data, with information security defined as the "maintenance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.


Educational institutions, such as schools and universities, are at high risk for data privacy and security breaches for several reasons. To start, educational institutions manage substantial volumes of sensitive information, encompassing student records as well as personal family information, including medical histories, family structures, ethnicity, religion, and more. Secondly, the advance of technology in education has increased the volume of digital data, making them attractive targets for cyberattacks. Moreover, data breaches can damage an institution's reputation, compromise trust, and result in legal consequences.

We know very well that mismanaged data is a big concern of educators as it can affect students, staff, and the institution itself. Individuals may face privacy violations, financial losses, or emotional distress.In today's digital age, taking responsibility for data privacy is paramount to protect the well-being and integrity of educational institutions and the individuals they serve.

And this is where we can help... PrivacyPerfect introduces ISMS with IBP framework!


In our modern society, sensitive information and data are constantly in our midst. The safeguarding of personal data is of paramount importance, particularly within the field of education, where a vulnerable demographic is involved. Educational institutions are entrusted with the data of students, parents, and staff, making it crucial for school boards and employees to take responsibility for thoughtful data processing and robust data security.

This is where the standards framework comes into play, introducing standards related to both information security and privacy. These standards are categorised into fifteen domains for information security and one dedicated domain for privacy with more in the making. 

PrivacyPerfect has been recognised by SIVON as the pioneering solution offering the full spectrum of IBP within the Information Security Management System (ISMS)

PrivacyPerfect’s ISMS with IBP framework is our newest tool specially designed to help with data privacy and security in the educational sector. Our tools and services are essential to help schools meet their accountability obligations while making their IBP compliance processes practical, easy to manage, including the PDCA cycle. We offer services for all education, primary/secondary education, intermediate vocational education, higher vocational education/university education and generic education. Our tool is built upon the IBP framework, yet it is highly versatile and applicable across the globe, so you can stay ahead by using it, even in countries without a framework of their own.PP published in SIVON



Currently available only in Dutch. 

Visit IBP official website (NL)

PrivacyPerfect's IBP- Empowering the Educational Industry Worldwide.

Take control of your data privacy and security – Book a demo today with PrivacyPerfect's IBP framework